about us

The story behind

WOWturbans is a very personal project that was born with the purpose of making a moment that is not easy for any woman a little easier: having to choose oncological turbans. We have lived it.

And when the worst of the disease passed, we imagined the turbans we would have liked to be able to buy, and that’s how WOWturbans was born!

It is our commitment to a quality turban, handmade in an artisan way and with ecological and certified fabrics, and to fashion made in Spain.

But what really sets WOWs apart is that they are youthful, flattering and elegant. Without stridency.

We believe that wearing a turban is not just about covering your head during treatments. For us, wearing a turban is a way to face the disease, to show it, to live with it and to share it.

That’s why WOWs are designed to fit your style, so that when you wear it you don’t feel like you’re wearing a costume.

We hope you like them!