Privacy Policy


In compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679, of April 27, of Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights , WOWturbans informs its clients and users of the conditions of the processing of personal data that it carries out.

This Privacy Policy is applicable and mandatory both for WOWturbans, as the owner of the WEB, and for whoever uses the web, its products and services.

The protection of the personal data that is processed and the security in the processing processes and operations is a priority for us and, for this purpose, this Privacy Policy is established, which will be available and will be updated where appropriate to adapt it to the current regulations and the changes that could be made to the website itself, so it is necessary to consult it regularly.

Likewise, through the website itself, information will be provided in more detail about the processing carried out, when the use made of the data so recommends and makes the information clearer and more accessible, and we will attend to any questions, queries or claims that may arise. could arise regarding this Privacy Policy or any other aspect related to the processing of personal data, through the email address and by ordinary mail in Madrid, Calle Rafael Bergamín 12, 1º C (CP 28043).


Data categories:

In general terms, personal information is any information that can be used to identify an individual. This may include the name, address, telephone number, email address, billing information, means of payment, IP address, usernames and passwords and all those that are necessary for the provision of the contracted services or the requests made.

If the information we collect personally identifies a user, or if the user is reasonably identifiable, the information will be considered personal information.

In the exercise of the business activity, the personal data of users provided when interacting with WOWturbans, those technical and navigation data that are generated by the use of the web and data from external information sources that are useful for the provision of products or services.

If the user communicates personal data of a third party to WOWturbans, it is their responsibility to have informed them that the data will be shared.

Duration of treatments:

In accordance with what is legally established, the data provided will be processed for as long as is strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected.

After this time, the data will be kept, maintaining the appropriate security measures, exclusively for the fulfillment of administrative, fiscal, Social Security, Treasury, or any other nature obligations that derive from the treatments carried out.


Through the WEB, you can request information, buy products, access the areas reserved for registered users and go to WOWturbans to obtain information, make suggestions, claims, etc…

Likewise, in accordance with what is legally established, WOWturbans can send its clients, suppliers and users, commercial and/or informative communications (SMS, E mails, Newsletter) about related products or services that may be of interest based on the existing relationship. However, the user may voluntarily reject these communications quickly and easily, requesting to unsubscribe from them through the mechanisms enabled for this on the website itself.

The data processing carried out by WOWturbans responds to the following purposes:

Execution of product acquisition contracts.

  • Processing of personal data to comply with contractually acquired obligations and other those derived necessary for it, such as establishing contact, managing payment, fraud prevention, compliance with tax obligations. The information on data processing will be duly expanded in the signed contract.
  • Treatment of data necessary to process the requested purchase and so that the collaborating companies can provide the necessary services so that the sale and all operations related to it (payment, delivery, returns, etc…) can be carried out satisfactorily.

Attention to requests for information, suggestions, claims, registrations and cancellations.

  • Treatment of the data strictly necessary to attend, until its resolution, the request made by the user.

Web navegation.

  • Treatment of technical and navigation data collected in each web access or visit. Where appropriate, data such as IP address, operating system, browser may be processed. The treatment is carried out in order to optimize the browsing experience.

Maintenance of the security of electronic communications networks and services.

  • Treatment to guarantee the security of the system, detect failures in the transmission of communications, and any other that is necessary to maintain the quality of the service provided.

Registration of users to reserved areas.

  • Processing of data necessary to give access, keep it active and proceed to send entry codes, custody, substitution, and elimination of the same when proceeding to unsubscribe from the registry.

Data communications

  • Data processing when it is necessary to communicate them to third parties for the provision of services and compliance with legal obligations. Detailed information on the communication will be provided in the specific cases in which it occurs or may occur. This information is expanded in the Transfers section.

Commercial communications

  • Processing of the data provided for the sending of own commercial communications and/or those of third parties about services, products and any information that may be relevant and of interest to the client or potential clients and users.


In compliance with what is legally established, the data will always be processed on a duly justified legitimacy basis. When said basis is the user’s consent, it will be obtained with all legal requirements and will be revocable at any time and free of charge, without prejudice to the rights and obligations of WOWturbans regarding the affected information.
In compliance with what is legally established, we will treat your data on a duly justified legitimacy basis.

Execution of a contract and provision of a service

  • Execution of the contract
  • Legitimate interest to manage it and prevent possible fraud and compliance with legal obligations.

Attention to requests for information, suggestions, complaints, registrations and cancellations

  • Consent given when making the communication.

Web navegation

  • Consent expressed at the start of navigation as established in the General Policy.
  • Legitimate interest to make browsing possible in more beneficial and safer conditions for the user.

Maintenance of the security of electronic communications networks and services

  • Legitimate interest in making the information network secure for the provision of services and electronic communications with customers, users and suppliers.

Registration of users to reserved areas

  • Consent granted by the user at the time of subscription

Data Communications

  • Legitimate interest in the correct provision of the service.
  • Legal obligation to make certain communications that are mandatory.
  • Consent given where appropriate, prior request, expressly by the user.

Commercial communications

  • Consent granted through express acceptance.
  • Legitimate interest to send offers on products and services that may be of interest based on the relationship you already have with the company.


WOWturbans does not create profiles of web users, nor does it make decisions of any kind based exclusively on automated processes.


The WEB may contain links to or from third-party pages for the provision of certain services or access to some products.
When this happens, the user must consult the conditions of use and the privacy policies of said websites, which are solely responsible for the processing of personal data in these cases.


As a general rule, through the Web, confidential information is not collected from clients and/or users, but if this is the case, it will be duly informed and all those technical and organizational security measures that are necessary for its protection will be taken in accordance with the application regulations.


For the ordinary development of professional activity and compliance with legal obligations, the personal data of web users may be communicated to third parties by virtue of the agreements and obligations assumed by WOWturbans. So:

  • Personal data is communicated to third-party providers of products and services, with whom the appropriate Treatment Order Contracts have been previously signed, with all the guarantees and obligations established in the applicable legislation.
  • Data is communicated to third parties that provide us with services and products, such as services related to marketing and advertising. For more information, consult the Cookies Policy.
  • Personal data is communicated in compliance with legal obligations, among others, to financial entities, fraud prevention and detection entities, Social Security and the Tax Agency.


Regarding the processing of personal data, and in accordance with current legislation on the matter and the limitations established therein, users have the following rights:

  • Right to Information: To receive up-to-date and transparent information on how the personal data provided by the user is processed.
  • Right of Access: To obtain information on whether the processing of personal data is being carried out and, if so, to know what they are and obtain a copy of them free of charge.
  • Right of Rectification: To have those personal data that are incorrect or incomplete corrected.
  • Right of Deletion (Right to be forgotten): The deletion of the personal data that is processed, when its treatment is no longer necessary, the consent granted is withdrawn, the treatment is illegal or must be done in compliance with a legal obligation. In these cases, each assumption will be analyzed and action will be taken as legally established.
  • Right to limitation of processing: To restrict the processing of personal data to the formulation and defense of legal claims.
  • Right of opposition: To oppose the processing of personal data as it was being carried out, unless the processing is covered by compelling legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to portability: To receive a copy of the data that is processed in an automated manner, in an electronic, structured format and to request that said data be transmitted to another data controller, as long as it is technically possible.

The exercise of these rights will be carried out by contacting via email at or by postal mail in Madrid, Calle Rafael Bergamín 12 1ºC (CP 28043).
For more information on the exercise of these rights, or in case of dispute, you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency through